Women Study & Population Education

Gramgeeta Mahavidyalaya Chimur
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UGC Guide Line for Women Study Center
Department of lifelong learning and extension services of Gondwana University, Gadchiroli develop student curriculum for first year students. Under this department, they form two body, women study and population education. Student who registers for this program get encouraging incentive marks from the University.
In this curriculum, university gives various guidelines for student activities. One of the activities for student to complete the project work by collecting the information from news and magazines. The list of social and reforming topics provides in guidelines. Student not only just collect the information but also give their opinion and thought. It enhances the social awareness and thinking abilities of students.
Women study and population education body organize awareness programs for students. In our society, women still facing immense challenges. Under the women study, program organize on women issue like violence against women and their solution, gender equality and empowerment, women heath, women laws etc.
Population education body organize program on population issue like literacy, drug addiction, environment protection, conservation of energy, science and technology etc.
This kind of program organize by the body help student self and social awareness and increases compassion and empathy towards each other. It gives strength and motivation for betterment of society and themselves.