Department of Library
Download Links
Library Book Bank Scheme
List of Periodicals
Library Management System
Department of Library has been established since the establishment of the institution in 2009 and holds a prominent position and is an important and integral part of the teaching program of the institution. The objectives of the institution and the college library are interrelated. Our library has more than 3940 textbooks and reference books with a spacious reading room. The College Library provides the necessary academic information to enthusiastic students without any discrimination. In search of knowledge the department develops a sense of responsibility in each student. The library department introduces students with trends of recent knowledge to learn new topics by organizing various events such as book exhibitions to gain knowledge, evaluation and recognition.
The role of the library is also changing with the changing scenario, for which the library has used advanced technology to provide library services as well as to meet the needs of the users. Library Automation done through ‘LIB-MAN’ Library Management System providing Web-Opac and Mobile-Opac facility to teachers and students.
Aims & Objective of the Library
Faculties Introduced
- To develop a collection of reading material useful for various courses.
- To provide various library services and facilities to the readers.
- To provide books and references needed by the academic community.
- To provide books for various job-related examinations to the students.
- To support the teaching-learning process.
- To inculcate reading habits.
- To make use of every book purchased.
To satisfy users’ needs to an optimum level.

Books Collection
News Paper Subscription
Text Books
Reading Reading
Reading Reading
Reading Reading
Reading Reading
Reading Reading
Reading Reading
Reading Reading
Reading Reading
English News Paper
The Hitwada
The Indian Express
Hindi News Paper
Dainik Bhaskar
Marathi News Paper
Tarun Bharat
Library Gallery
Library Hours

Library Opening/Closing Time –08.30 am to 05.30 pm,
Book Issue – Monday to Saturday – 10.30 am to 03.30 pm,
Reading Room – Monday to Saturday – 09.00 am. To 05.00 pm.
Physical Capacities & Equipments
Library Advisory Committee 2023-24
- Total Seating Capacity of Reading : 62
- Faculty Members : 12
- Students : 50
- Computers : 05
- Printer (HP M1005 Laser jet) : 01
- Bar Code Scanner : 01
- Periodicals Display Stand : 01
- News Paper Stands : 02
- Book Racks : 31
- CCTV Cameras : 02

Faculty :
Supporting Staff :

Name : Mr. Sandeep A. Meshram
Designation : Librarian
Qualification : M.Lib & Info Scie., NET, SET.
Experience : 7 Years
Contact No. : 9764914759
E-Mail ID :
Name : Mr. Mukesh V. Ghate
Designation : Library Attendant
Qualification : M.Lib. & Info. Sci.
Experience : 7 Years
Contact No. : 8888897354
E-Mail ID :
Library Services and Facility
- Cover Pages of newly purchased books, quotes legal maxims, importance of today, etc.
- Library keeps the save of the e-newpaper related to the college matters and articles published of the faculty and students in the e-newspapers.
- Library keeps the cutting of the newspaper related to the college matters and articles published of the faculty and students in the newspapers.
- Internet facility
- OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) Facility
- Catalogue Service.
- Newspapers & Newspaper Clipping
- Student have an access of NDL online legal database access the latest articles, Books and related legal materials.
- Career/employment information facility.
- Suggestion Box
- Reading room facility.
- Separate study section for Staff and Student
- Special scheme for physically challenged.
- Orientation for students ( Fresher )
- Bibliographic Compilation
Library Website
Library has built its own website having URL where students have an access to relevant information such as syllabus, question papers. It is single window to access related information with useful web links.