Gramgeeta Mahavidyalaya Chimur

Semana Vidya Va Vanvikas Prashikshan Mandal Gadchiroli’s

Department of Environmental Science

         The Department of Environmental Science is one of the primary departments started in institution since 2009. The department of Environmental Science is distinctive department having well qualified teaching staff in specifically, M.Sc., and SET and having field experiences and expertise in number of fields like Ecology, Biodiversity, Environmental Legislation, Industrial Pollution Control, Environmental Statistics, Energy Resources, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology, Disaster Management, Water and Wastewater treatment technology, Air pollution control technology, Industrial safety, EIA, Sustainable Development, Solid & Hazardous Waste management, Remote sensing & GIS etc.

         The Department has full-flanged Teaching faculty for running regular undergraduate course in Environmental Science on Full Grant basis. The department is having its own state of art facilities and has access to the latest facilities and laboratories in the field of environment for all sort of environmental research. The Department is most active with dynamic staff promoting many extracurricular and Co-Curricular activities along with the academic activities and outreach activities in shaping the future of students.

         The course of B.Sc. Environmental Science is designed as per the present needs of industrial and Professional consultancy services, development of administrative, management and academic skills and at par with NET/SET syllabi. Audio-visual teaching aids and internet are routinely used for class room teaching and routine practical for all. Apart from the academic set of courses the students are assigned field trips, excursions and industrial visits. The students are given exposure to seminars, short-term trainings and guest lectures by eminent environmentalist. The faculty promotes the interest of the student to enrich their knowledge and involvement in the subject.

          Environmental science is with interdisciplinary nature and universal approach concentrates on conservation and management features which helps for existence of life on earth by understanding and confronting various problems that deteriorate the quality of the environment. Empathetic of Environmental Science is becoming ever more necessary for every individual and it is concern of all to safeguard and restore the quality of our environment by using scientific and technical knowledge.


  • The aim of B.Sc. degree programme in the discipline of Environmental Sciences is to educate and develop skilled manpower to address and tackle 21st century environmental challenges. 
  • To create and distribute knowledge to the students about environmental problems at local, regional and global scale.
  • To provide practical training on modern instrumentation and analytical techniques for environmental analyses.
  • To make aware students towards environmental concerns, issues and impacts of climate change and related mitigation strategies.
  • To make the students to apply their knowledge for efficient environmental decision-making, management and sustainable development.
  • To prepare students for successful career in environmental departments, research institutes, industries, consultancy and NGOs, etc.


Name :  Mr. Bijankumar B. Shil
Designation :  Head & Assistant Professor 
Qualification :  M.Sc., SET.
Area of Research :  Forest and Biodiversity, Ambient Air Quality
Contact No. :  7030648418
E-Mail ID :

Name :  Mr. Vivek S. Manik
Designation :  Assistant Professor 
Qualification :  M.Sc., SET.
Area of Research :  Environmental Impact Asessment, Ecology & Biodiversity, Water and Wastewater Treatment.
Contact No. :  8149596108, 7972294610
E-Mail ID :

Supporting Staff :

Name :  Mr. Giridhar N. Dekate
Designation :  Lab Attendant 
Qualification :  M.Sc., B.Ed.
Experience :  07 Years
Contact No. :  9834842402
E-Mail ID :

Environmental Science Lab